POLAR documentation

About configuration, integration, and common use cases.


User perspective

When using POLAR, it behaves a simple fragment that can be used in any web-based setting. It may either work standalone, in which case there are only inputs for configuration, or as a part of a process, in which case there are both inputs and outputs for further processing.

The purpose of POLAR is to handle all geospatial interactions of a user and utilize the decentralized geospatial infrastructure for that end.

POLAR architecture as viewn from a user perspective
Viewn from the outside, POLAR is just a component

Usage examples

POLAR is designed to increase application efficiency and correctness for the public sector, but may be used in any form process or as a standalone map client. The provided visualisations ease communication between citizens and administrative staff, allowing them to effectively share the where.

POLAR is already in use for ...

Inner architecture

On the inside, POLAR is constructed from many smaller and isolated packages that each encapsulate a specific part of the business logic. These parts can be mixed and matched, and are easily replacable for situations where further extension would make them overly complicated.

For client-specific business logic, this can be placed in the very client itself to prevent bloat in other parts of the product.

All in all, this makes POLAR a versatile map client factory.

POLAR architecture of the software itself
Viewn from the inside, POLAR is a map client factory


Client documentation

Each client comes with its own documentation built from its individual description and used plugins.

Usage pattern

All clients come with instructions documented above. However, they all mostly share how their integration works. Overall, these parts are required:

And that's about it. For more examples, view the plugin gallery ↗ or choose a specific client's documentation files.


HINTDeveloping yourself is optional. POLAR supplies ready-made clients for many use cases, and you may commission us to write additional features.

Where to code

POLAR clients run everywhere. To develop plugins and clients anew, a certain setup is required. To avoid redoing it, it is advised to create additional plugins and clients in a fork of the project.

There are no further requirements. If you aim to merge back, please contact us before starting to put in work.

Required skills

Depending on what exactly you plan to write anew, the required skills may vary. POLAR is a purely front-end solution and as such general knowledge about web development is advisable.

We are especially writing the client with the following libraries, to which additional knowledge is helpful for contributions.

100 OpenLayers

90 Vue

80 Vuex

80 TypeScript