

The client's core is the base package to create clients in the POLAR environment.

It offers this functionality:


If a client is rendered as part of another page, the zoom and drag-pan behaviour is different to if the client is rendered as complete page.
If it's part of another page, drag-panning on mobile devices is only usable if at least two fingers are being used while on desktop clients the user can only zoom if using the respective platform modifier key (e.g. CTRL).

It is important to note that the behaviour will be desktop-like on larger touchscreen devices (e.g. tablets).

Initialization / Configuration

It depends on the client how exactly the initialization will take place for the embedding programmer. However, the core mechanism remains the same.

The exported default object is an extended masterportalapi, adding the addPlugins and extending the createMap functions. For masterportalapi details, see their repository.


Before instantiating the map, all required plugins have to be added. Depending on how you use POLAR, this may already have been done. Ready-made clients (that is, packages prefixed @polar/client-) come with plugins prepared. You may add further plugins or proceed with createMap.

In case you're integrating new plugins, call addPlugins with an array of instances.

client.addPlugins([Plugin({ pluginConfig })])

In case you're writing a new plugin, it must fulfill the following API:

const Plugin = (options: PluginOptions) => (instance: Vue) =>
  instance.$store.dispatch('addComponent', {
    name: 'plugin', // unique technical name
    plugin: Plugin, // a vue component
    locales, // an i18n Locale[]
    language, // @deprecated an i18n locale batch
    options, // configuration; overriddable with mapConfiguration on createMap
    storeModule, // vuex store module, if required

Please note that the order of certain plugins is relevant when other plugins are referenced, e.g. @polar/plugin-gfi's coordinateSources requires the sources to have previously been set up.

Please note that all configuration added via plugin constructors can be overridden in the createMap's parameter mapConfiguration. You may use either object (or a mix of them) to create the configuration, e.g. use the constructors for a base configuration and the mapConfiguration object to override it for various use cases.

How exactly you do this is up to you and influences the minimum API call requirements your client has.

If the storeModule features a setupModule action, it will be executed automatically after initialization.


Layers intended to be used in the map have to be initialized by calling initializeLayerList with a service register.
This register may either be a link to a predefined service register like the Hamburg service register, or the custom service register that is also used in mapConfiguration.layerConf.

core.rawLayerList.initializeLayerList(services: mapConfiguration.layerConf | string, callback?: Function)

createMap is usually called inside the callback or directly after this function call.


The map is created by calling the createMap method. Depending on how you use POLAR, this may already have been done, as some clients come as ready-made standalone HTML pages that do this for you.

  // arbitrary id, must point to a div
  containerId: 'polarstern',
  // see below
}).then((map) => {
  /* Your Code, e.g. for setting up callbacks. */


The mapConfiguration allows controlling many client instance details.

fieldName type description
<...masterportalapi.fields> various Multiple different parameters are required by the masterportalapi to be able to create the map. Also, some fields are optional but relevant and thus described here as well. For all additional options, refer to the documentation of the masterportalapi itself.
checkServiceAvailability boolean? If set to true, all services' availability will be checked with head requests.
extendedMasterportalapiMarkers extendedMasterportalapiMarkers? Optional. If set, all configured visible vector layers' features can be hovered and selected by mouseover and click respectively. They are available as features in the store. Layers with clusterDistance will be clustered to a multi-marker that supports the same features. Please mind that this only works properly if you configure nothing but point marker vector layers styled by the masterportalapi.
featureStyles string? Optional path to define styles for vector features. See mapConfiguration.featureStyles for more information. May be a url or a path on the local file system.
language enum["de", "en"]? Initial language.
locales Locale[]? All locales in POLAR's plugins can be overridden to fit your needs.
<plugin.fields> various? Fields for configuring plugins added with addPlugins. Refer to each plugin's documentation for specific fields and options. Global plugin parameters are described below.
renderFaToLightDom boolean? POLAR requires FontAwesome in the Light/Root DOM due to an unfixed bug in many browsers. This value defaults to true. POLAR will, by default, just add the required CSS by itself. Should you have a version of Fontawesome already included, you can try to set this to false to check whether the versions are interoperable.
stylePath string? This path will be used to create the link node in the client itself. It defaults to './style.css'.
vuetify object? You may add vuetify configuration here.
Example configuration
import locales from './locales'

const mapConfiguration = {
  stylePath: '../dist/polar-client.css',
  checkServiceAvailability: true,
  language: 'de',
  locales, // the locales object will normally be outsourced to another file
  layerConf, // the layerConf object will normally be outsourced to another file - for more information, see the relevant chapter
  layers: [
    // parts of the layer configuration can be outsourced to another file
    // and referenced in the mapConfiguration by id like the second layer
      id: 'backgroundmap',
      url: '',
      typ: 'WMS',
      layers: 'de_basemapde_web_raster_grau',
      format: 'image/png',
      version: '1.3.0',
      singleTile: false,
      transparent: true,
      id: '1561',
      visibility: true,
      type: 'mask',
      name: 'Building Plans',
      minZoom: 2,
  addressSearch: {
    displayComponent: false,
  export: {
    showPdf: false,

A language option is an object consisting of a type (its language key) and the i18next resource definition. You may e.g. decide that the texts offered in the LayerChooser do not fit the style of your client, or that they could be more precise in your situation since you're only using very specific overlays.

An example for a Locale array usable in createMap is this array:

const locales: Locale[] = [
    type: 'de',
    resources: {
      plugins: {
        layerChooser: {
          maskTitle: 'Bahnstrecken',
    type: 'en',
    resources: {
      plugins: {
        layerChooser: {
          maskTitle: 'Railway lines',

To figure out the name of overridable locales, inspect the documentation of your client; for example, this is the documentation page of the snowbox. All child documents with locales feature a table of default translations at the end, and some clients bring their own locales and pre-existing overrides.

When reading the locale tables, please mind that the dot notation (a.b.c | value) has to be written as separate keys in nested objects as seen in the example above ({a: {b: {c: "value"}}}).

fieldName type description
layers string[] List of layer ids. The effect will only be applied to these layers.
clusterClickZoom boolean? If true, clicking a cluster feature will zoom into the clustered features' bounding box (with padding) so that the cluster is "resolved". This happens until the maximum zoom level is reached, at which no further zooming can take place. Defaults to false.
defaultStyle MarkerStyle? Used as the default marker style. The default fill color for these markers is '#005CA9'.
dispatchOnMapSelect [string, unknown]? If set, the parameters will be spread to dispatchment on map selection. ['target', 'value'] will dispatch(...['target', 'value']). This can be used to open the iconMenu's GFI with ['plugin/iconMenu/openMenuById', 'gfi'], should the IconMenu exist and the gfi plugin be in it with this id.
hoverStyle MarkerStyle? Used as map marker style for hovered features. The default fill color for these markers is '#7B1045'.
isSelectable ((feature: GeoJsonFeature) => boolean)? If undefined, all features are selectable. If defined, this can be used to sort out features to be unselectable, and such features will be styled different and won't react on click.
selectionStyle MarkerStyle? Used as map marker style for selected features. The default fill color for these markers is '#679100'.
unselectableStyle MarkerStyle? Used as a map marker style for unselectable features. Features are unselectable if a given isSelectable method returns falsy for a feature. The default fill color for these markers is '#333333'.

Example configuration:

extendedMasterportalapiMarkers: {
  layers: ['reportServiceLayerId'],
  defaultStyle: {
    stroke: '#FFFFFF',
    fill: '#005CA9',
  hoverStyle: {
    stroke: '#46688E',
    fill: '#8BA1B8',
  selectionStyle: {
    stroke: '#FFFFFF',
    fill: '#E10019',
  unselectableStyle: {
    stroke: '#FFFFFF',
    fill: '#333333'
  isSelectable: (feature: Feature) => feature.get('indicator')
  clusterClickZoom: true,
  dispatchOnMapSelect: ['plugin/iconMenu/openMenuById', 'gfi'],
fieldName type description
clusterSize [number, number]? width and height of the <svg>-cluster-marker.
fill (string | masterportalapiPolygonFillHatch)? Fill color (or hatch pattern) for map marker.
size [number, number]? width and height of the <svg>-marker.
stroke string? Color of marker stroke (outer line). Defaults to '#ffffff'.
strokeWidth (string | number)? Width of marker stroke (outer line). Defaults to '2'.

Example configuration:

defaultStyle: {
  stroke: '#FFFFFF',
  fill: '#005CA9',

A full documentation of the masterportalapiPolygonFillHatch is available at the Masterportal's documentation file, chapter 'Polygon.polygonFillHatch'. The basic usage is quoted below for quick lookup. For more details, visual examples, and expert features, see there.

Name Required Type Default Description
backgroundColor no Number[] [0, 0, 0, 1] Background color of polygon.
lineWidth no Number 10 Line width of drawn pattern. To achieve an even distribution in diagonal and zig-line pattern, choose lineWidth as (1/3 * size). For triangle and diamond, a lineWidth of 1 must be chosen. For rectangle, a lineWidth of at most (1/4 * size) should be chosen. Deviating from these rules is not harmful, but patterns may seem off.
pattern no enum["diagonal", "diagonal-right", "zig-line", "zig-line-horizontal", "circle", "rectangle", "triangle", "diamond"]/Object "diagonal" Draw pattern. You may either use a pre-defined pattern from the enum or specify one yourself.
patternColor no Number[] [255, 255, 255, 1] Fill color of pattern drawn on polygon.
size no Number 30 Edge length of a singular repeated pattern element.

Vector Layers (GeoJSON and WFS) can also be styled on the client side. Configuration and implementation is based on style.json of @masterportal/masterportalapi. For the full documentation, including all rules that are applied when parsing the configuration, see the above linked documentation.

Example styling some points of a layer gray that have the value food in the property not bamboo. All Other features will use the provided default green styling. A Layer needs to use the property styleId in its mapConfiguration.layers entry and set it to panda to use this styling.

    "styleId": "panda",
    "rules": [
        "conditions": {
          "properties": {
            "food": "bamboo"
        "style": {
          "circleStrokeColor": [3, 255, 1, 1],
          "circleFillColor": [3, 255, 1, 1]
        "style": {
          "circleStrokeColor": [128, 128, 128, 1],
          "circleFillColor": [128, 128, 128, 1]

The <...masterportalapi.fields> means that any masterportalapi field may also be used here directly in the mapConfiguration. The fields described here are fields that are interesting for the usage of POLAR. Fields that are not set as required have default values.

fieldName type description
layerConf layerConf Layer configuration of all available layers as a service register. Layers defined here are not directly shown in a client, see mapconfiguration.layers for that.
layers layer[] Configuration of layers that are supposed to be used in the respective client. All layers defined here have to have an entry in mapConfiguration.layerConf. If @polar/plugin-layer-chooser is installed and configured, all these layers will be displayed in that menu.
startCenter number[] Initial center coordinate. Needs to be defined in the chosen leading coordinate system.
epsg EPSG:${string}? Leading coordinate system. The coordinate system has to be defined in mapConfiguration.namedProjections as well. Changing this value should also lead to changes in mapConfiguration.startCenter, mapConfiguration.extent, mapConfiguration.options and mapConfiguration.startResolution as they are described in or related to the leading coordinate system. Defaults to 'EPSG:25832'.
extent number[]? Map movement will be restricted to the rectangle described by the given coordinates. Unrestricted by default.
namedProjections Array<[string,string]>? Array of usable coordinated systems mapped to a projection as a proj4 string. Defines 'EPSG:25832', 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:31467' and 'EPSG:4647' by default. If you set a value, please mind that all pre-configured projections are overridden, and requiring e.g. 'EPSG:4326' will only work if it is also defined in your override.
options zoomOption[]? Defines all available zoom levels mapped to the respective resolution and related scale. Defines 10 zoomLevels for 'EPSG:25832' by default.
startResolution number? Initial resolution; must be described in mapConfiguration.options. Defaults to 15.874991427504629 which is zoom level to in the default of mapConfiguration.options.
Example configuration
  startResolution: 264.583190458,
  startCenter: [553655.72, 6004479.25],
  extent: [426205.6233, 5913461.9593, 650128.6567, 6101486.8776],
  epsg: 'EPSG:25832',
  options: [
    { resolution: 66.14579761460263, scale: 250000, zoomLevel: 0 },
    { resolution: 26.458319045841044, scale: 100000, zoomLevel: 1 },
    { resolution: 15.874991427504629, scale: 60000, zoomLevel: 2 },
    { resolution: 10.583327618336419, scale: 40000, zoomLevel: 3 },
    { resolution: 5.2916638091682096, scale: 20000, zoomLevel: 4 },
    { resolution: 2.6458319045841048, scale: 10000, zoomLevel: 5 },
    { resolution: 1.3229159522920524, scale: 5000, zoomLevel: 6 },
    { resolution: 0.6614579761460262, scale: 2500, zoomLevel: 7 },
    { resolution: 0.2645831904584105, scale: 1000, zoomLevel: 8 },
    { resolution: 0.1322915952292052, scale: 500, zoomLevel: 9 },
  namedProjections: [
      '+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs',

The layer configuration (or: service register) is read by the @masterportal/masterportalapi. The full definition can be read here.

However, not all listed services have been implemented in the @masterportal/masterportalapi yet, and no documentation regarding implemented properties exists there yet.

Whitelisted and confirmed parameters include:

Example services register
    "id": "my-wfs-id",
    "name": "Service name",
    "url": "Service url",
    "typ": "WFS",
    "outputFormat": "XML",
    "version": "1.1.0",
    "featureType": "ns:featureType"
    "id": "my-wms-id",
    "name": "Service name",
    "url": "Service url",
    "typ": "WMS",
    "format": "image/png",
    "version": "1.3.0",
    "transparent": true,
    "layers": ["A", "B"]
    "id": "my-self-defined-wmts",
    "urls": [
    "typ": "WMTS",
    "format": "image/png",
    "coordinateSystem": "EPSG:3857",
    "origin": [-20037508.3428, 20037508.3428],
    "transparent": false,
    "tileSize": "256",
    "minScale": "1",
    "maxScale": "2500000",
    "tileMatrixSet": "google3857",
    "requestEncoding": "REST",
    "resLength": "20"
    "id": "my-capabilities-wmts",
    "capabilitiesUrl": "WMTS capabilities url",
    "urls": "WMTS url",
    "optionsFromCapabilities": true,
    "tileMatrixSet": "EU_EPSG_25832_TOPPLUS",
    "typ": "WMTS",
    "layers": "layer-name",
    "legendURL": "my-legend-url"
    "id": "oaf",
    "typ": "OAF",
    "name": "My OAF",
    "url": "",
    "collection": "poi",
    "crs": "",
    "bboxCrs": "",
    "gfiTheme": "default",
    "id": "my-geojson",
    "name": "My GeoJSON data",
    "url": "Service url",
    "typ": "GeoJSON",
    "version": "1.0",
    "minScale": "0",
    "maxScale": "2500000",
    "legendURL": ""

Since this is the base for many functions, the service id set in this is used to reference map material in many places of the map client.

fieldName type description
resolution number Size of 1 pixel on the screen converted to map units (e.g. meters) depending on the used projection (epsg).
scale number Scale in meters.
zoomLevel number Zoom level.
fieldName type description
id string Service register id in mapConfiguration.layerConf.
name string Display name in UI.
styleId string? Id of the used style. May lead to unexpected results if the layer is also configured to be used with mapConfiguration.extendedMasterportalapiMarkers. Only applicable for vector-type layers. For more information and an example see mapConfiguration.featureStyles. Defaults and fallbacks to OpenLayers default styling.
Example configuration
layers: [
    id: 'basemap',
    name: 'Basemap Grayscale',
    id: 'my-wfs',
    name: 'My WFS service',

Plugins in POLAR are modular components that extend the functionality of the map client. They can be added using the addPlugins method and configured through the mapConfiguration object. Each plugin has its own set of fields and options that can be customized.

On how to configure a plugin, see the respective plugin. The configuration is given in the mapConfiguration object by the plugin's name as specified in its respective documentation.

Global Plugin Parameters

Most plugins honor this additional field.

fieldName type description
displayComponent boolean? Optional field that allows hiding UI elements from the user. The store will still be initialized, allowing you to add your own UI elements and control the plugin's functionality via the Store. This may or may not make sense, depending on the plugin. Defaults to false , meaning the default UI is hidden.
Example Configuration

For example, a @polar/plugin-address-search plugin can be configured like this:

  addressSearch: {
    // Plugin-specific configuration
    displayComponent: true, // Optional field to control UI elements
    // ...

These fields let you e.g. specify a Vuetify-Theme. For more options, refer to the official vuetify documentation.

Additionally to the regular fields, primaryContrast and secondaryContrast are interpreted. They serve as contrast colors to their respective fields and are used for e.g. button icons.

  theme: {
    themes: {
      light: {
        primary: "black",
        primaryContrast: "white",
        secondary: "#c0ffee",
        secondaryContrast: "#de1e7e"

Regarding icons, you may add vuetifyOptions.icons.values as {"name": x}, where x are the path commands (commonly 'd') of the SVG to draw. An icon 'pen' will then be available as "$vuetify.icons.pen" in v-icon (and all places in the configuration where icons can be set). Any required styling can be added via .css, appropriate classnames would be .v-icon__svg and its path child .v-icon__svg path.

  icons: {
    values: {
      // example path from icomoon free
      "arrow-drop-up": "M298.667 341.333l213.333 213.333 213.333-213.333h-426.667z",

This specific path would require resizing via CSS, e.g. scale: 0.0234375; on the path.

If you need a compilation from icomoon's svg export (or samey format) to such an object, see scripts/precompileSvg.js in the root folder.


The core module features a vuex root store that all plugin vuex modules are plugged into. However, the root contents are only relevant to plugins. It is accessible with map.$store, and can be used as a starting point for plugin access.

To ease use, the map instance also features a subscribe method that will register a watcher to any state field. Please mind that only documented paths should be used, and all others are subject to change without notice.

// state subscription – listening to data held by the map client
map.subscribe('some/key', (value) => {
  // do something with the value

// getter subscription – these are computed values from various sources
    (_, getters) => getters['some/key'],
    (value) => {
        // effect

This is, for example, useful to listen to search results, draw features, or marker coordinates. The plugins document how exactly to use their respective fields.

To add content to the MoveHandle, the mutation setMoveHandle can be used. The values needed are described in @polar/lib-custom-types:MoveHandleProperties.


You may desire to listen to whether the loader is currently being shown.

fieldName type description
map Map | null Returns the openlayers map object.
hovered Feature | null If useExtendedMasterportalApiMarkers is active, this will return the currently hovered marker. Please mind that it may be a clustered feature.
selected Feature | null If useExtendedMasterportalApiMarkers is active, this will return the currently selected marker. Please mind that it may be a clustered feature.
selectedCoordinates Array | null If useExtendedMasterportalApiMarkers is active, this will return the coordinates of the currently selected marker.

Special Flags

POLAR uses flags on some OL elements to handle overarching issues. Those flags can be retrieved with olThing.get('_flagName'). These flags must not be specific to a plugin and must provide documentation in this place. They may yield uses outside of the POLAR application when further building upon the clients or creating new plugins.

flagName type description
_isPolarDragLikeInteraction true This flag is either true or absent. It must be present on drag-like interactions with the map to provide information to the core on when to display the map pan instructions on mobile devices. The instructions will not be shown if a single interaction with this flag is found, assuming that the interaction takes precendence over scrolling the page.


Locale Key German default English default
common.canvas.label Kartenanwendung Map application
common.error.serviceUnavailable Der Kartendienst "{{serviceName}}" (ID: {{serviceId}}) ist derzeit nicht verfügbar. Dies kann die Funktionalität der Karte einschränken. Service "{{serviceName}}" (ID: {{serviceId}}) is unavailable. This may limit the map's functionality.
common.overlay.noControlOnZoom Verwenden Sie Strg+Scrollen zum Zoomen der Karte Use Ctrl+Mousewheel to zoom into the map
common.overlay.noCommandOnZoom Verwenden Sie Command ⌘ + Scrollen zum Zoomen der Karte Use Command ⌘ + Mousewheel to zoom into the map
common.overlay.oneFingerPan Verwenden Sie mindestens zwei Finger zum Verschieben der Karte Use at least two fingers to pan the map

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